
SWE-135 - Last used in rev NPR 7150.2D

RevSWE Statement

3.3.3 The project shall ensure that results from static analysis tool(s) are used in verifying and validating software code.

Difference between A and BRemoved requirement to validate the code.

4.4.4 The project manager shall verify the software code by using the results from static analysis tool(s).

Difference between B and CRemoved the requirement to verify by changing "verify the software code by using the results from" to "use"; 
Added the requirement "to analyze the code during the development and testing phases to detect defects, software security, and coding errors." 

4.4.4 The project manager shall use static analysis tools to analyze the code during the development and testing phases to detect defects, software security, and coding errors.

Difference between C and DRequirement modified to analyze code coverage and software complexity along with the other items.

4.4.4 The project manager shall use static analysis tools to analyze the code during the development and testing phases to, at a minimum, detect defects, software security, code coverage, and software complexity.

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