
Currently there are 3 macros used for displaying References in SWEs and Topics

  • refstable - used for SWEs
  • refstable-topic - used in Topics
  • refstable-intro - used only in the Introduction page

Data for the SWEREFs are stored in SWEREF pages in the 7150 space and the data elements are managed using the references template. The complicating factor with this method is that it requires management of a Confluence template and several macros to keep everything together. By using the Excerpt method of managing SWEREF data, the display macros are no longer necessary and the Confluence template can be retired as well. 

Structure of the SWEREF

The SWEREF, as displayed in a typical SWE or Topic, looks like this example: 

  • The first line is a bullet and contains the SWEREF number.
  • The second line is the Title of the reference document. It is made into a link to that document by adding the URL.
  • The third line is a Citation for the reference (author, organization, dates), and finally any other notes applicable to the reference. 

Managing the SWEREF

In the current system, the data is managed by using the "Edit Contents" command. This command activates the Live Template and allows data to be managed in the SWEREF page. The critical tie in of the SWEREF to individual SWEs and Topics is the "SWE or Topic" field. This is a list of the pages used by the refstable macros to determine which SWEREFs appear on which pages. 

In the new scheme, the SWEREF is simplified. 

  • In the SWEREF, the data is organized in the display format for SWEs and Topics. It is stored in the "excerpt" macro on the page. 
  • In the SWE or Topic where is is displayed, the data is pulled in using the "excerpt include" macro. 

Using the New SWEREF

 5.1 References

String the Excerpt includes to tighten up the display. 

Roll Out Notes

If this is implemented it will imply:

  • Changing all SWEs and Topics in all spaces to use the "Excerpt Include" to pull in the References onto the pages. 
  • Changing all SWEREFs to add an excerpt macro containing the same data that is currently in the SWEREF. 
  • Move the References Table to the SITE space. 
Excerpts in SWEREFs
  • Need to cleanout excerpts used in Change history
  • Figure out a better way to track change history
SWEREF# on line with Title
  • see if it is desirable to put both SWEREF# and Title / link items on first line.
Use of SWEREFN macro
  • Can this still be used? 
  • No labels