
If tabsetup is not available, how can we emulate the page layout to simulate the tab method of displaying content. 

The tabsetup macro is responsible for making the horizontal set of tabs on SWE and Topic pages in SWEHB. 

Eliminating the tabsetup Macro
Tabsetup can have up to 24 tabs with content distributed in a collection of Div macros in the tabsetup body. In order to eliminate the macro it will be necessary to reorganize the current content. 

Multiple Approaches

1. Modified tab approach using Expand Macro in a single page

This approach involves using a column of buttons corresponding to the existing tabs. Each item in the column is an expand macro that houses the content of a div. See the page SWE-961 Coding Standards.  

2. Modified tab approach using links to child pages containing div content

In this approach, the Requirements Div becomes the parent page. Each of the other Divs become a child page. The names of the child pages contain a key as to the type of content they hold.

Both the parent and the child pages contain a 1 row table of links to all the other pages with the look and feel of the original tabsetup. Each page is color coded in the table so the viewer know what tab they are reading. 

In this example the pages are: 


For each of the approaches, there are a variety of additional changes that would have to be considered in order to fully implement the approach some of those considerations are listed below. When an approach is selected, a full plan for implementation will need to be put together. 

Rollout of new pages 

Each approach has s different list of page changes that will need to be implemented

Expand Macro:

  • no new pages need to be created

Child pages: 

  • main page will have Requirement content
  • child pages will have other tab content
Table of links

Expand Macro

  • Vertical table with Expands - Put into each Updated SWE

Child Pages

  • Horizontal table with links to child pages - copy into each child page

Determine what to do with SET DATA macros in select pages

Expand Macro

  • Revise method of implementing SWEREFs

Child Pages

  • Revise method of implementing SWEREFs

  • No labels