This collection of pages is intended to show an alternative for displaying content in this handbook. It is geared to specific communities that are served by this handbook. It has never been implemented.
- Engineering Community - The engineering community includes project managers, analysts, and developers who create software and deliver it in a form that can be used in missions.
- Assurance Community - The Assurance community includes auditors, testers, and safety personnel. They perform verification and validation activities on software as a part of ensuring that the software will perform properly in missions. Many of the Assurance audit activities run parallel with Engineering Activities in a supportive relationship.
Pages in this example
- The Buttons in the Header Graphic page show before and after listings of the buttons and the changes needed for this set of alternatives.
- The Introduction Mockup shows some ideas for how the new Introduction page might look
- Includes some example blog entries
- The Requirements Mockup shows a suggestion for combining requirements from the NPR and the Standard
- contains Index of SWEs by SWE Number page
- the Software Project Activities shows some example pages for a new collection of activities most are just blank now, a couple have some content
- Life Cycle Planning has some content
- Activity - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections has some content
- Activity - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections - Combined is a reworked activity based on a combined activity
- Several SWEs have been updated with work in tabs 3 and 4 to support the Combined Activity concept
- Copy of SWE-058 - Detailed Design with new tab 4
- Copy of SWE-087 - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections for Requirements, Plans, Design, Code, and Test Procedures
- Copy of SWE-088 - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections - Checklist Criteria and Tracking
- Copy of SWE-089 - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections - Basic Measurements
- Activity - Software Design - Combined - is a new activity based on a single SWE and using the new Combined concept for the activity
- The Copy of D. Topics as Topics is a working place holder for changes to the Topic page
- The Supplementary Material - Draft is a working place holder for changes to the E. page
- The Topics by Project Activities page is empty and in a placeholder for future use
Working list of pages under Alternate Views
- Old Activity Ideas
- Activity - Software Design - Combined
- Activity - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections
- Activity - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections - Combined
- Software Cost Estimation
- Software Cybersecurity
- Software Scheduling
- Training
- Activity Template - Combined
- Activity Template - SA Activity
- Life Cycle Planning
- Software Assurance Planning
- SPA6 Alternative Activity Structure
- Copy of SWE-087 - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections for Requirements, Plans, Design, Code, and Test Procedures — 5.3.2 The project manager shall perform and report the results of software peer reviews or software inspections for:
- Copy of SWE-088 - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections - Checklist Criteria and Tracking — 5.3.3 The project manager shall, for each planned software peer review or software inspection:
- Copy of SWE-089 - Software Peer Reviews and Inspections - Basic Measurements — 5.3.4 The project manager shall, for each planned software peer review or software inspection, record necessary measurements.
- Copy of SWE-058 - Detailed Design with new tab 4 — 4.3.2 The project manager shall develop, record, and maintain a software design based on the software architectural design that describes the lower-level units so that they can be coded, compiled, and tested.
- Topics by Project Activities
- Confluence Options Test Page
- Software Project Activities
- Buttons in the Header Graphic
- Index of SWEs by SWE Number
- Requirements Mockup
- Introduction Mockup — The NASA Software Engineering Requirements, NPR 7150.2D
- Copy of D. Topics as Topics
- Supplementary Material - Draft