
Activity View in SWEHBVD

 1. Introduction

The Activity View of SWEHB is based on the Software Development Life Cycle

This addition to SWEHBVD was started in 2023. It encompasses several major changes in how the SWEHB is used

  1. A set of Activity pages was created to organize and contain SWEs and SM by Life Cycle Activity (Phase)
    1. 13 pages in the A.xx series
  2. Links to all pages including SWEs and Supplementary Materials (topics, Checklists, PATs, etc.) distributed into the Activity pages. 
    1. Some SWEs and SM appear in multiple Activity pages
  3. All SWEs were updated to point to related SWEs and SM
    1. Added Related SWEs and Related SM child pages
  4. All SM pages were updated to point to related SWEs and SM
    1. Added Related SWEs and Related SM child pages
  5. All Activities, SWEs, and SM have links added pointing to the relevant SPAN page for the Life Cycle Activity. 
  6. All SWEs have an "Associated Activity" section containing links to their associated activity.
    1. Institutional Requirements - section 1.3
    2. Project Requirements - section 1.4
  7. All SM have an "Associated Activity" section in their Resources tab containing links to their associated activity.

 2. Buildout of Activities

This table contains the major steps in the buildout of Activities in SWEHBVD

DescriptionStatusDate Complete
Build Relevant SWEs page for all SWEs and SMDone


Build "Relevant SM" page for all SWEs and SMDone6/12/2023
Number / Renumber topics in SWEHBVDDone6/14/2023
Build Traceability of Subjects to SWEs and SM page Done6/14/2023
Build Distribution tables for all SWEs and SM


Update SWEs to point to relevant SWEs and SMIn Progress

Update SMs to point to relevant SWEs and SMDone


Add Introduction text to all ActivitiesIn Progress

Review all Introduction text to all Activities

Put Subjects table into all ActivitiesDone8/15/2023
Put SWEs into all ActivitiesDone8/15/2023
Put Work Products into all ActivitiesDone8/15/2023
Put Topics into all ActivitiesDone8/15/2023
Put PATs into all ActivitiesIn Progress

Finish building PATs

Convert appropriate topics to Generic Topics

Fix Quotes from References in all pages

3. Detail

This tab contains specific examples of next buildout actions. It presents suggested changes to SWEs and SM for consideration by the Activity team to consider and approve for implementation or discard. Accepted items will be implemented based on an agree to priority. 

3.1 Things to do in all SWEs and SM

3.1.1 Bidirectional Traceability of SWEs and SM

We need to come up with a way to ensure that each SWE and SM item point to all of the appropriate other SWEs and SM within the scope of an Activity. 

  1. Each Activity has a list of applicable SWEs, SM and Work Products
  2. Additions to a SWE will be added to another "Related SWEs" and "Related SM" pages.  
  3. Additions in the SWEs and SMs will be added as "See also" paragraphs immediately below the paragraphs in which a reference is made to the subject. 

3.1.2 Completeness of Activities

Initially, each activity was built to contain the SWEs and SM that were most directly associated to the Activity / Phase of a project. Many were obvious by their title, others were included because of their location in NPR 7150.2 ( e.g. Cybersecurity Requirements). 


  1. Are there any other groups of SWEs or SM that are needed in each activity to ensure complete coverage in the Activity?

3.1.3 Add Activities into "Related Links" tables

This would make it easier to ensure that SWEs and SM are tied into the appropriate Activity (bi-directional traceability). This would affect all SWEs and SM to update their Related Links lists. Activities would be added to the appropriate "Related SM" pages. 

3.2 Things to do in A.02 -Software Assurance and Software Safety

3.2.1 Location of Analysis in SWEs and SM

There are a number of Analysis topics in this Activity, tab "01 - Analysis". These should be called out in the Activity where they are used by SA. For example, 8.54 - Software Requirements Analysis should probably be called out in A.03 Software Requirements as a related Topic.

These are being added to all appropriate Activities: 

Need Activity locations for: 

3.2.2 Location of Audit SWEs and SM

There are a couple of pages that are in A.02 Software Assurance and Software Safety Activity that deal with Auditing. Should they be also put into other Activities as a reminder of the need for auditing in these activities?

3.2.1 - Location of IV&V SWEs and SM

Currently, all of the IV&V SWEs and SM are in A.02 Software Assurance and Software Safety Activity in the IV&V tab. 

Should this be copied also into A.06 Software Testing Activity? If so, how should it be represented, since it is not applicable in all projects. 

3.2.3 Safety and Hazard SWEs and SM

Currently, all of these SWEs and SM are in A.02 Software Assurance and Software Safety Activity in the "Safety Critical" tab.  Where else should they be placed to ensure that they are taken into consideration in Life Cycle Activities?

3.3 Things to do in A.13 - Institutional Requirements

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