
Style guide for Topics. May be used as a template. 

Topic Style Guide

1. Introduction

Provide Introductory material in this tab. Discuss what the topic is about and how it can be used.  

Use tabs and subheads to lay out the content for the topic. Most topics will have: 

  • Multiple tabs for content
  • A tab for References - see other topics for the structure and use for this tab 
  • A tab for Lessons Learned - see other topics for the structure and use for this tab 

1.1 Subhead 1

The subheads are used as necessary. Use Heading 1 for the first title in a tab. Use Heading 2 for subheads as necessary in all tabs. 

1.2 Adding subheads

The easiest way to add a new subhead is to: 

  • Start at the beginning of a new line, type in the heading style command like "H2. "
  • When you hit the space, Confluence will interpret this as a heading command and apply Heading style 2 to the line. 
  • You can start typing the number of the subhead (like "1.2 Adding subheads") and Confluence will remember that this is a subhead and not a numbered list. 

1.3 Numbering and Bulleted lists

Confluence will detect a numbered list if you start a line with a number followed by a decimal point, followed by a space. 

  1. This is the first item
  2. This is the second item

If you start with a series of sentences, each separated by an "new line " , you can highlight the sentences and then apply the numbering command from the editing menu bar. This will convert all the sentences to a numbered list. 

If you further indent a line in a numbered list, the numbering switches from ordinal numbers to lower case letters. Further indenting will get you lower case roman numerals. Below that you are back to ordinal numbers. 

  1. Sent 1. 
    1. asfd
      1. asdf 
        1. asfda
  2. Sent 2. 
  3. Sent 3. 

1.4 Importing from Word

You can copy and paste large amounts of text from MS Word into Confluence. Some of the numbering and lists may come in okay, some may not. To avoid problems with Confluence interpreting Word formatting, highlight all that you have copied into a Confluence page, then use the "Clear Formatting" command from the editing menu bar (the icon is to the right of the text color icon). This will remove all formatting and give you just text. From there you can apply heading styles, numbering, bulleting, and other thing without fighting with hidden formatting that you cannot see. 

2. Tab 2 title

Additional material as necessary. 

2.1 Additional sub headings

Use Heading 1 style for the initial heading in the tab. Use Heading 2 style for the next level of subheadings. If a lower heading style is needed, use Heading 3. Try to not have lower heading styles below 3.  

3. Tab 3 title

Additional material as necessary. 

3.1 Additional sub headings

Use Heading 1 style for the initial heading in the tab. Use Heading 2 style for the next level of subheadings. If a lower heading style is needed, use Heading 3. Try to not have lower heading styles below 3. 

4. Tab 4 title

Additional material as necessary. 

4.1 Additional sub headings

Use Heading 1 style for the initial heading in the tab. Use Heading 2 style for the next level of subheadings. If a lower heading style is needed, use Heading 3. Try to not have lower heading styles below 3.

5. Resources

See References in SWEHB for details on using the SWEREFN macro and References in general in SWEHB. The Resources tab in a SWE is configured like this example including the two subheadings below. 

5.1 References

[Click here to view master references table.]

No references have been currently identified for this SWE. If you wish to suggest a reference, please leave a comment below.

5.2 Tools

Tools to aid in compliance with this SWE, if any, may be found in the Tools Library in the NASA Engineering Network (NEN). 

NASA users find this in the Tools Library in the Software Processes Across NASA (SPAN) site of the Software Engineering Community in NEN. 

The list is informational only and does not represent an “approved tool list”, nor does it represent an endorsement of any particular tool.  The purpose is to provide examples of tools being used across the Agency and to help projects and centers decide what tools to consider.

6. Lessons Learned

No lessons learned have currently been identified for this topic.

OR, statement of lessons learned applicability is needed. 

6.1 NASA Lessons Learned

Lessons that appear in the NASA LLIS or Center Lessons Learned Databases.

  • Lesson Title in bold. Lesson Number 9999:  567  Extract from the lesson. Extract taken which points up the lessons that is appropriate to the SWE or Topic of this page. Add a SWEREF pointing back to the reference for the lesson. 

6.2 Other Lessons Learned (add this category only if appropriate)

Lessons that appear in the sources outside of NASA such as educational sources or industry sources.

  • Lesson Title in bold. Lesson Number 9999:  567 Extract from the lesson. Extract taken which points up the lessons that is appropriate to the SWE or Topic of this page. Add a SWEREF pointing back to the reference for the lesson. 

  • No labels