This wiki-based NASA Software Engineering and Assurance Handbook, NASA-HDBK-2203 provides users and practitioners with guidance material for implementing the requirements of NPR 7150.2, NASA Software Engineering Requirements, and the implementation of the NASA Software Assurance and Software Safety requirements in NASA-STD-8739.8. The requirements in this directive and standard have been extracted from industry standards and proven NASA experience in software engineering.
2. Headers and Footers
A theme is used to ensure a common look and feel for all pages in the SWEHB. Key elements of the theme are explained below.
2.1 Header for all SWEHB Pages
A header section in the theme contains code for controlling the Header code on all pages.
The link "Return to Software Engineering Community of Practice" takes the user to NEN.
The Question mark icon has no dedicated function other than taking the user back to the current page.
The Settings icon (Gear) is used to access Confluence administration, User management, Theme Configuration, etc.
Notifications icon is not used
Current user icon gives access to certain Confluence content including Personal Workspace, Recently viewed, etc. - not used much
Graphic banner - a visual reminder to the user of the version of NPR 7150.2 that the space is dedicated to. Click on this banner from any page in the SWEHB to come back to the Introduction (home) page.
Action buttons - give the user access to major collections of pages
Institutional Requirements - pages from chapter 2 of NPR 7150.2
Project Software Requirements - pages from chapter 3, 4, and 5 of NPR 7150.2
Topics - collections of special topics pages for
Engineering Topics
Assurance and Safety Topics
Software Design Principles
Programming Checklists
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for Engineering, Assurance, and Safety
Search - keyword search function for all spaces in the SWEHB
2.2 Footer for all SWEHB Pages
A footer section in the theme contains code for controlling the Footer code on all pages.
The footer contains a brief statement from the curator of the SWEHB, along with links to the NASA Privacy Statement, and the Page Editor, and NASA Official associated with the SWEHB.
3. "Book A Introduction" page
Intro page content and structure. This is the first page built with the "tabsetup" macro. this macro is used extensively throughout the SWEHB.
The Introduction page welcomes the user and introduces the handbook at a high level.
Welcome - identifies the major components of the handbook and its source documents.
SWEHB Introduction - overview of the SWEHB content.
Title Material - taken from the applicable version of NPR 7150.2
Resources - references used in the creation of the SWEHB.
Accessing Other Versions of SWEHB - links to other SWEHB versions and into the SWE History area.
4. Requirements Pages - B. and C.
Two pages are dedicated to the requirements (SWEs) in NPR 7150.2.
4.1 B. Institutional Requirements
These are links to SWE pages based on requirements from chapter 2 of NPR 7150.2. This is a page built, predominantly, with HTML based code to give its distinctive look.
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The order of the links matches the order of their appearance in NPR 7150.2.
4.2 C. Project Software Requirements
These are links to SWE pages based on requirements from chapters 3, 4, and 5 of NPR 7150.2. This is a page built, predominantly, with HTML based code to give its distinctive look.
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The order of the links matches the order of their appearance in NPR 7150.2.
5. Topics
Pages -
Topics are special pages devoted to specific guidance on a subject that is dealt with or mentioned in one or more SWEs and requires additional, in depth, treatment.
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This page includes tabbed sections for:
Engineering Topics - Special interest topics to the Software Engineering community.
Assurance and Safety Topics - Special interest topics to the Assurance and Safety communities.
Software Design Principles - Design principles including additional guidance on usage, Center usage, and Lessons Learned.
Programming checklists - Process Asset Templates related to Checklists used in programming.
FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions for several communities
Engineering Questions
Software Assurance Questions
Safety Questions
Common Questions for all groups - displayed in each group
6. Other Pages - E. Tools, References, and Terms
A collection of other pages of interest.
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Span Link
The SPAN link button takes the user to the SPAN page in the NEN - Software Engineering Community. SPAN is a collection of links to Process Asset Libraries in each of the NASA Centers.