
A.04.01 Software Design

A.04.01 Software Design

Software Architecture and Design 

04.01 - Architecture

04.02 - Design

Analysis of SWEs and SM

A.04.01 Software Design

SWE or Topic

Related SWEs 

Related SM

Related Activity

5.02 - IDD - Interface Design Description
5.07 - SDD - Software Data Dictionary
5.12 - SUM - Software User Manual
5.13 - SwDD - Software Design Description
6.1 - Design for Safety Checklist
6.4 - Checklist for Choosing Off-The Shelf Software (OTS)
7.08 - Maturity of Life Cycle Products at Milestone Reviews
7.09 - Entrance and Exit Criteria

7.07 - Software Architecture Description
7.19 - Software Risk Management Checklists
8.01 - Off Nominal Testing
8.02 - Software Reliability
8.05 - SW Failure Modes and Effects Analysis
8.07 - Software Fault Tree Analysis
8.55 - Software Design Analysis
9.01 Software Design Principles
9.02 Software Safety and Design Principles
9.03 Coding Standards
9.04 Command Receipt Acknowledgement

9.05 Data Interface Integrity
9.06 Dead Code Exclusion

9.07 Fault Detection and Response

9.08 Flight Software Modification

9.09 Incorrect Memory Use or Access

9.10 Initialization - Safe Mode

9.11 Invalid Data Handling

9.12 Resource Margins

9.13 Resource Oversubscription

9.14 Resource Usage Measurement

9.15 Safe Transitions

9.16 Thread Safety

9.17 Toggle Commands

PAT-005 - Software Component Design Analysis Checklist

PAT-006 - Design Practices for Safety

PAT-007 - Checklist for General Software Safety Requirements

PAT-008 - Safety Considerations for Design Peer Reviews Checklist

PAT-014 - Architecture Design Checklist

PAT-015 - Detailed Design Checklist

PAT-016 - Functional Design Checklist

PAT-020 - Examples of Interface Problems

PAT-021 - SADESIGN Checklist

PAT-023 - Preparing for a SARB Checklist

PAT-024 - Checklist for Choosing Off-The Shelf Software

PAT-029 - Software Architecture Review Board Checklist

PAT-030 - SARB Review Checklist with Guidance

PAT-031 - Critical Design Analysis Checklist


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