Markup - Builds a list of references from the references database for SWE pages
Spaces Where Used | all SWEHB spaces |
How used | list of references from the references database |
Visibility | only Sys Admins in the Macro Browser |
Title | refstable |
Description | |
Categories | |
Icon URL | |
Documentation URL | |
Definition | Unendered |
Output Format | Wiki Markup |
Status | Active in all spaces |
Uses Reporting plugin to built a report of references out of the References database where the first 7 characters of the page title is the key to selecting a reference for display. To be displayed, a reference has to have the key in the "Affiiated SWE" parameter.
Note that references having no URL do not display as links. If there is a URL, the display continues on the next line with the title as a link to the URL.
Current Code
{info}[Click here to view master references table.|References Table]{info}
{content-reporter:key=content:children\|matchAll=true\|type=page\|space=+7150\|scope=7150:References Table > children}
{text-filter:data:SWE\|include=.*$content.getTitle().substring(0, 7).*}
{report-body:injected=true} {anchor:%content:title%}(%content:title > first 10%) {ifzero:%data:Link > length%}{report-info:data:Title}{ifzero} {ifnotzero:%data:Link > length%} {report-link:data:Link|info=Click to open in new window|target=_blank}{report-info:data:Title}{report-link} {ifnotzero} {report-info:data:Citation} {report-info:data:Notes} {scroll-only}{hidden-data:whenEmpty=Link}{report-eval:Nameyy|hidden=true}%data:Link > text:size% < 400 ? 1 : 2{report-eval}{report-block-2}{local-reporter:variable:Nameyy}{number-filter:@self|maxValue=1}{report-body-2} Direct link: {html}%data:Link% {html}{report-body-2}{number-filter:@self|minValue=2}{report-body-2} Direct link: NASA SWG PAL {report-body-2}{report-block-2}{hidden-data}{scroll-only}{report-body}
{report-empty}{note}No references have been currently identified for this SWE. If you wish to suggest a reference, please leave a comment below.{note} {report-empty}