
Markup - Builds a list of references from the references database for SWE pages


Spaces Where Usedall SWEHB spaces
How usedlist of references from the references database
Visibilityonly Sys Admins  in the Macro Browser
Icon URL
Documentation URL
Definition Unendered
Output FormatWiki Markup
StatusActive in all spaces

Uses Reporting plugin to built a report of references out of the References database where the first 7 characters of the page title is the key to selecting a reference for display. To be displayed, a reference has to have the key in the "Affiiated SWE" parameter. 


Note that references having no URL do not display as links. If there is a URL, the display continues on the next line with the title as a link to the URL. 

Current Code 

{info}[Click here to view master references table.|References Table]{info}
{content-reporter:key=content:children\|matchAll=true\|type=page\|space=+7150\|scope=7150:References Table > children}
{text-filter:data:SWE\|include=.*$content.getTitle().substring(0, 7).*}

{report-body:injected=true} {anchor:%content:title%}(%content:title > first 10%) {ifzero:%data:Link > length%}{report-info:data:Title}{ifzero} {ifnotzero:%data:Link > length%} {report-link:data:Link|info=Click to open in new window|target=_blank}{report-info:data:Title}{report-link} {ifnotzero} {report-info:data:Citation} {report-info:data:Notes} {scroll-only}{hidden-data:whenEmpty=Link}{report-eval:Nameyy|hidden=true}%data:Link > text:size% < 400 ? 1 : 2{report-eval}{report-block-2}{local-reporter:variable:Nameyy}{number-filter:@self|maxValue=1}{report-body-2} Direct link: {html}%data:Link% {html}{report-body-2}{number-filter:@self|minValue=2}{report-body-2} Direct link: NASA SWG PAL {report-body-2}{report-block-2}{hidden-data}{scroll-only}{report-body}

{report-empty}{note}No references have been currently identified for this SWE. If you wish to suggest a reference, please leave a comment below.{note} {report-empty}

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