
SWE-148 - Last used in rev NPR 7150.2D

RevSWE Statement

Difference between A and B



3.14.3 The project manager shall evaluate software for potential reuse by other projects across the Agency and contribute reuse candidates to the Agency Software Catalog.

Difference between B and CChanged "NASA" to "Agency";
Changed "Agency Software Catalog" to "NASA Internal Sharing and Reuse Software systems";
Added caveats for approval conditions if the project manager is a contractor.

3.10.2 The project manager shall evaluate software for potential reuse by other projects across NASA and contribute reuse candidates to the NASA Internal Sharing and Reuse Software systems. However, if the project manager is a contractor, then a civil servant must pre-approve all such software contributions; all software contributions should include, at a minimum, the following information:

    1. Software Title.
    2. Software Description.
    3. The Civil Servant Software Technical Point of Contact for the software product.
    4. The language or languages used to develop the software.
    5. Any third party code contained therein and the record of the requisite license or permission received from the third party permitting the Government’s use, if applicable.

Difference between C and D

Added items e and f per the request of the OGC and OCIO


3.10.2 The project manager shall evaluate software for potential reuse by other projects across NASA and contribute reuse candidates to the appropriate NASA internal sharing and reuse software system. However, if the project manager is not a civil servant, then a civil servant will pre-approve all such software contributions; all software contributions should include, at a minimum, the following information:

a. Software Title.
b. Software Description.
c. The Civil Servant Software Technical POC for the software product.
d. The language or languages used to develop the software.
e. Any third-party code contained therein, and the record of the requisite license or permission received from the third party permitting the Government’s use and any required markings (e.g., required copyright, author, applicable license notices within the software code, and the source of each third-party software component (e.g., software URL & license URL)), if applicable.
f. Release notes.

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