SWE History Maintenance

1. SWE History

The SWE History page contains a complete history of the text of the SWE throughout it's history. It contains the actual text for each version of NPR7150.2 as well as a description of what changed between versions.  

1.1 Structure of SWE History Pages in SITE Resources

See a page from the SWEs in Current Use for a complete picture of the structure. 

The body of the page consists of two elements: 

  • Excerpt - using the Excerpt macro, describe the last use of the SWE. 
  • Table of SWE texts with differences. 

1.2 Last Use

The Excerpt contains a statement of the last use of the SWE. It is done in an excerpt macro so it is available to the "Children Display" of either the SWEs in Current Use page or the SWEs Retired page. Both of these pages are containers displaying the contents of the child pages beneath them. 

There are only a few Last Use statements in current use: 

  • Last used in rev NPR 7150.2D
  • Last used in rev NPR 7150.2C
  • Last used in rev NPR 7150.2B
  • Last used in rev NPR 7150.2A
  • Used first in NPR 7150.2D
  • Reserved in NPR 7150.2A
  • Reserved after NPR 7150.2B

Reserved SWEs are those never used in a published version of the SWEHB. They may be used as necessary without fear of causing problems with references. 

1.3 Table of SWE Texts

The table below is an example from SWE-003 of a history table. 

  • The header row is in green and contains the two column headers. 
  • The Rev column is for
    • the Rev letter from the end of the NPR 7150.2 designation, or
    • The difference statement row
  • The Difference statement row is in blue and contains a brief statement of the changes between versions of the SWE text. 
  • The version rows contain the version letter and the actual text of the SWE from that version of NPR 7150.2. Starting with Rev C, the text of the SWE is pulled in using an "Excerpt Include" macro from the SWE page in the appropriate SWEHB space. This ensures that the text is accurate everywhere it is used in the SWEHB. 

RevSWE Statement

1.2.2 Each Center shall maintain, staff, and implement a plan to continually advance its in-house software engineering capability and monitor the software engineering capability of NASA's contractors, as per NASA's Software Engineering Initiative Improvement Plan.

Difference between A and BReworded and removed reference to NASA SEIIP.
B Center Directors, or designees, shall maintain, staff, and implement a plan to continually advance the Center’s in-house software engineering capability and monitor the software engineering capability of NASA's contractors.

Difference between B and C

No change

C Center Director, or designee, shall maintain, staff, and implement a plan to continually advance the Center’s in-house software engineering capability and monitor the software engineering capability of NASA's contractors.

Difference between C and D

No change

D Center Director, or designee, shall maintain, staff, and implement a plan to continually advance the Center’s in-house software engineering capability and monitor the software engineering capability of NASA's contractors.

2. Adding SWE History Pages

It will be necessary to add a History page if a new SWE is added and there is no existing History page for it. The easiest way to add a new SWE History page is to: 

  • Open the SWEs in Current Use page and then open one of the existing SWE History pages in a new tab. 
  • In the History page you just opened, Initiate a "Copy" command from the menu options next to the Edit command. 
  • The Copy command will offer to create the copy under the same page as the existing page. Hit "Copy" to approve this. 
  • The new page will have "Copy of" in front of the title of the old page.  Just remove the "Copy of" and put in the new SWE number. Save the page. 
  • Verify that the page is added by refreshing the SWEs in Current Use page and seeing the new history page.
    • If you don't see the new page, fix this problem before continuing. 
  • In the new SWE History page, perform the following cleanup: 
    • Update the statement in the Excerpt macro to reflect the status of the SWE. 
    • Remove old SWE Statements for versions that do not apply. 
  • Add rows in the table to contain a new difference row and a new SWE statement row using the existing rows as a model. 
    • Get the SWE statement using an Excerpt Include macro to retrieve the text from the SWE page in the appropriate version of the SWEHB. 

3. Retiring SWEs

When retiring a SWE, it's history page should be edited appropriately to indicate that it is retired from the SWEHB. 

The SWE History page for the retired SWE should then be moved from the SWEs in Current Use page to the SWEs Retired page. The easiest way to do this is using the drag and drop feature of the SITE space page tree. When you have moved the page, refresh both containers and make sure the history page has been moved. 

  • No labels