
Use this page to test a new PAT.Don't be afraid to put your PAT information into the excerpt and include macros and leave them there. It will serve as a good set of breadcrumbs for the next one of us that tests a page. 

1. Test Excerpt

Using the macro below, edit it to grab the excerpt from the new PAT page. Change the "Page Containing the Excerpt" parameter to be the full title of the PAT page you are testing. click on the Preview option to preview what will be pulled into the page. 

PAT-034 - SAANALYSIS Checklist
Click on the image to preview the file. From the preview, click on Download to obtain a usable copy. 
PAT-034 - SAANALYSIS Checklist

2. Test Include Page

Using the macro below, edit it to grab the entire body from the new PAT page. Change the page parameter to be the full title of the PAT page you are testing. click on the Preview option to preview what will be pulled into the page. ensure that all of the images are viewable. 

Click on the image to preview the file. From the preview, click on Download to obtain a usable copy. 

PAT-034 - SAANALYSIS Checklist

3. Test Full Page Rendering

View this page and verify the following: 

  1. Verify that the correct PAT page excerpt was pulled into the Test Excerpt section. 
  2. Verify that the correct PAT page body was pulled into the Test Include Page section - should display all pages of the PAT. 
  3. For all images: 
    1. each should be Centered in the panel. 
    2. each panel should have a green border. 
    3. each should go to the Document Preview view when clicked. 
    4. In Document Preview, test download to see that the document is properly downloaded. 
    5. At the bottom of the include Page, you should see the contents of the Live Template macro. This will be suppressed when users view the PAT. 
  4. If there are any problems, go back to the PAT page and fix the problems, then retest. 

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