
Book A.

Book B.
7150 Requirements Guidance

Book C.

References, & Terms

(NASA Only)

This is the page where an admin can configure the default handbook taxonomy of labels.

These labels are broken up by category.  To add or delete a label, you must click on one of the category titles in the table below.  Once on that category page, you can edit the wiki page itself to add or delete taxonomy labels.

This list of labels shows up at the bottom of every page under the Labels tab within the handbook space

To view and edit the labels for all the handbook sections on one page, click here: Page labeling tool

CategoryLabel termDescriptionOriginal label source
Responsible OrganizationCCECenter Chief EngineerHandbook team
Responsible OrganizationPMProject ManagerHandbook team
Responsible OrganizationCSMACenter SMA Director and OrganizationHandbook team
Responsible OrganizationHQSMANASA Chief Safety & Mission Assurance Officer & OrgHandbook team
Responsible OrganizationHQCEHeadquarters Chief Engineer and OCE OrganizationHandbook team
Responsible OrganizationSAMSoftware Assurance ManagerHandbook team
Responsible OrganizationCDCenter DirectorHandbook team
Responsible OrganizationIVVIV&V Facility DirectorHandbook team
Responsible OrganizationSRASoftware Release AuthorityHandbook team
AssetsBICEBest-in-Class ExampleHandbook team
AssetsLLLessons LearnedHandbook team
AssetsBPBest PracticeHandbook team
AssetsTOOLToolsHandbook team
AssetsSMPROJSmall Project AdviceHandbook team
Milestone ReviewsMCRMission Concept ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsSRRSystem Requirements ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsSwRRSoftware Requirements ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsMDRMission Definition ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsSDRSystem Design ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsPDRPreliminary Design ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsCDRCritical Design ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsPRRProduction Readiness ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsSIRSystem Integration ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsTRRTest Readiness ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsSARSystem Acceptance ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsORROperational Readiness ReviewSMARTS
Milestone ReviewsFRRFlight Readiness ReviewSMARTS
DocumentsPlanPlansHandbook team
DocumentsProcedureProcedures, lower level, task orientedHandbook team
DocumentsProcessProcesses, higher level, outcome orientedHandbook team
DocumentsStudiesStudiesHandbook team
DocumentsReportsReportsHandbook team
DocumentsAnalysisAnalysisHandbook team
DocumentsRecordsRecordsHandbook team
DocumentsProd_DescProduct DescriptionsHandbook team
Software ClassesASCClass A / Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesANSCClass A / Not Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesBSCClass B / Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesBNSCClass B / Not Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesCSCClass C / Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesCNSCClass C / Not Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesDSCClass D / Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesDNSCClass D / Not Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesESCClass E / Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesENSCClass E / Not Safety Critical SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesFClass F SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesGClass G SoftwareHandbook team
Software ClassesHClass H SoftwareHandbook team
Role and DisciplineSSESoftware systems engineer (Role: Product Development)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineSRESoftware requirements engineer (Role: Product Development)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineDesignDesign (Role: Product Development)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineC-ICoding and Integration (Role: Product Development)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineV-VTesting and Verification (Role: Product Development)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplinePRProduct Release (Role: Product Development)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineSus_EngrSustaining Engg & Maintainance (Role: Product Development)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplinePFProject Formulation (Role: Project Management)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplinePPProject Planning (Role: Project Management)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplinePM-CProject Monitoring & Control (Role: Project Management)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplinePIProject Implementation (Role: Project Management)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplinePCProject Closeout (Role: Project Management)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineCMConfiguration Management (Role: Organization Support)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineM-AMeasurement and Analysis (Role: Organization Support)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplinePEProcess Engineering (Role: Organization Support)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineSASoftware Assurance (Role: Organization Support)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineTrainTraining (Role: Organization Support)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineAcq_PlanPlanning (Role: Acquisition Role)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineIn-OverInsight/Oversight (Role: Acquisition Role)GSFC SPI site
Role and DisciplineSMSupplier Monitoring (Role: Acquisition Role)GSFC SPI site

Acq_Plan (view),
Analysis (view),
ANSC (view),
ASC (view),
BICE (view),
BNSC (view),
BP (view),
BSC (view),
C-I (view),
CCE (view),
CD (view),
CDR (view),
CM (view),
CNSC (view),
CSC (view),
CSMA (view),
Design (view),
DNSC (view),
DSC (view),
ENSC (view),
ESC (view),
F (view),
FRR (view),
G (view),
H (view),
HQCE (view),
HQSMA (view),
In-Over (view),
IVV (view),
LL (view),
M-A (view),
MCR (view),
MDR (view),
ORR (view),
PC (view),
PDR (view),
PE (view),
PF (view),
PI (view),
Plan (view),
PM (view),
PM-C (view),
PP (view),
PR (view),
Procedure (view),
Process (view),
Prod_Desc (view),
PRR (view),
Records (view),
Reports (view),
SA (view),
SAM (view),
SAR (view),
SDR (view),
SIR (view),
SM (view),
SMPROJ (view),
SRA (view),
SRE (view),
SRR (view),
SSE (view),
Studies (view),
Sus_Engr (view),
SwRR (view),
TOOL (view),
Train (view),
TRR (view),
V-V (view),

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